#Mashup – Wintergreen Skies Shawl

The Yarn

Company/Store: Schaefer Yarn: Nichole (sadly out of business)
Colorway: Peter; mint greens and light blues
Weight/Length: Fingering/405 yards
Material: 80/20 Extrafine Merino Wool/Nylon


This is the last of my Schaefer yarn, I got 2 of these skeins pictured above for this project so I had a total of approx. 810 yards to work with. I opted to find a pattern for a shawl that would show this yarns lovely mints and blues off well and be a bit airy to be able to wear throughout the year. Great colors for spring and winter both! Reminds me of wintergreen or spearmint mints like tic tacs or altoids and the blue is just a great gradient of lights and medium baby blues. So pretty!

The Pattern

Name: Colchique (Ravelry Link)
Author: Alix Gonzalez

Colclique Shawl

At first when I downloaded the pattern I learned that it was written in French, I took French in grade school and barely remember any so I wasn’t immediately set on using this pattern. However thanks to a great Ravelry user who left great notes and photos in the Project section for this pattern, I was able to follow along quite well. I will note, that the converted pattern and chart is in UK terms, which I noticed after making the first row! So once I learned that the chart was easy to follow, and works up quite quickly. Here are some in progress shots:


This shawl is fun because you mirror the pattern on both sides so it makes it symmetrical. Another nice thing about this pattern is that it is very easy to lengthen or widen, the foundation chain is simply a multiple of 7, and it is an easy 4 row repeat. Based on the original pattern I followed it but added an additional 28 chains at the beginning to make it just a tad longer. I kept the suggested 5 times repeat on both sides as well. I really like how its turning out and as I am writing this post I have just finished it so I will be adding completed photos very shortly!

Final Stats

Size: 66 in long x 10 in wide
Yarn Used: Out of the 810 yards I have on this yarn I estimate I used about 750 yards total

This item is For Sale! Link to Etsy Product Listing!





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#Mashup – Rainbow Scarf

The Yarn:

Company/Store: Schaefer Yarn: Nicole (sadly out of business)
Colorway: Hermione; all colors of the rainbow
Weight/Length: Fingering/405 yards
Material: 80/20 Extrafine Merino Wool/Nylon


The photo does not do this yarn justice for how amazingly colorful it is. It is literally a rainbow in yarn form. I so wish I could find more but alas the company is no longer in business so I knew I had to choose wisely to find a pattern that shows off this rainbow yarn perfectly!

The Pattern:

Name: Atlee Scarf and Shawl (link to Ravelry)
Author: Bev Matheson of One Yarn After Another

Atlee Scarf and Shawl by One Yarn After Another

Atlee Scarf and Shawl by One Yarn After Another

I came across this pattern on Ravelry and instantly knew, this was the right pattern to show off the ribbons of color in this yarn. So, I know as I continue to crochet I am going to come across things I make that I have trouble parting with, however I know that I will usually have enough will power to list almost anything despite how much I like it. But I am so keeping this one for myself I can’t dream of parting with it, check out the photos of how it turned out!



I did not end up having enough yarn to fully complete the pattern, it came out super long, but I love how the rows lined up with the color changes just enough to really make it look like a rainbow. Needless to say I am thrilled with the result and cannot wait to show it off this winter!

Thanks for stopping by for another Mashup!

#Mashup – Ocean Waves Scarf

I wanted to share another scarf project I am working on currently. I call it the Ocean Waves scarf as the pattern with this yarn reminds me of ocean waves lapping up on the shores of a sunny beach. Another yarn/pattern combo that I am super glad to have found.

The Yarn:

I found this beautiful Schaefer Yarn recently at a yarn shop called Imagine in Bemus Point, NY while visiting family for the 4th of July holiday. While there I learned that the owner of Schaefer Yarn retired and so the company went out of business in late 2012. However I snagged the last 2 skeins of yarn the store had and this was one of them. The color is noted as Julia Morgan however the photo better describes the colors, blues, aquas and sand colors.


The Pattern:

I am following the pattern called Modulation (Ravelry Link) and I think its turning out really cool. The yarn transitions colors in a neat way that makes these zigzags which after the first few rows started looking like waves.


Since the yarn is fingering its taking awhile to make but I have about 12 inches done so far and I am really liking how its going. So once  I am done I will post up a photo of the completed scarf! Hope you like it too!

Update 9/4/2013

My photo above has been featured on the Ravelry Page for this pattern! Super neat! Also I am still not finished but as soon as I am will post photos!

Update 11/4/2013

As I got near the end of the skein I had, I quickly realized that this scarf was not going to get too much longer than 40 inches, which I was originally very sad about, its about 34 inches long right now. By luck however I was browsing Ravelry’s stash pages for yarn and happened to find someone willing to sell 2 smaller skeins of this exact Schaefer yarn! What luck! I ordered them right away and they arrived this afternoon so this project is off the back burner and now something I hope to finish soon. I am so looking forward to finishing this as I love the colors. Here is an update shot with the additional yarn I got today.


Final Stats

Size: 8 inches wide by 64 inches long
Yarn Used: 450 yards (all of original skein) + 250 approx of another skein totaling about 700 yards!

The first skein I bought was a full skein at 450 yards, I ran out of yarn around 40 inches in and was so sad that it might not get any longer! No fear! Ravelry to the rescue! I found someone who had 2 smaller skeins (320 yards each) of this exact yarn being sold as a pair and I snatched them up quick. I used almost all of another of the smaller skeins so I have 1 smaller skein left plus about 60 to 70 yards.

By far the longest it has ever taken me to finish a scarf (about 5 months) however I worked on it off and on, it was a great travel project, and factoring in having to get more yarn played a part too. However it is done and I cannot be more thrilled with how it looks!

I do admit the newer skeins I bought have a deeper aqua color than the original skein I bought so it does shift in color a tad a little over halfway through but I consider it more of a blend and it is not so drastic it looks off, so I am still super happy with it, below are finished pics!

This item is For Sale! Link to Etsy Product Listing!





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