BlueberryPie Scarf Pattern!

So this is kinda a big deal for me and I am super excited to list my very first homemade pattern!

It is for my BlueberryPie Scarf that I originally posted about here.

I have created a Free Patterns section to my site here so as I add more they will all be collected there.

*Drum roll please* …. I am proud to announce my BlueberryPie Scarf Pattern! *Clapping* *Chearing* Woohoo!


BlueberryPie Scarf Pattern

For those that prefer downloadable PDFs you can use your favorite crafty site here:


Please Note: There are no restrictions on the use of my patterns however the patterns themselves are not for sale, resale or duplication. Please give credit by linking to the pattern if used, I enjoy seeing what others make with it!

Slant Stitch Scarf

I had pinned this pattern when I first began to learn how to crochet and I finally got back to it just last week. It is a pretty basic pattern using a slant stitch. See photo of the example used with a link to the pattern here:

Slant Stitch Scarf

Slant Stitch Scarf

I had a few colors of Red Heart – With Love yarn so I thought I would use them with this pattern. I wanted to change colors every few rows but not just simply one color to the next so I alternated colors, first with the SC row, then with the Slant Stitch row to create a type of gradient transition between the colors. See my example work in progress:

Slant Stitch 1

Slant Stitch 1

Here is another photo I am using 3 colors, the purple will be the main color for awhile and once I get close to the end I will transition back to blue, then back to the magenta color at the other end.

Slant Stitch 2

Slant Stitch 2

I followed the pattern exactly like it describes, I will just keep repeating row 2 & 3 (as noted in the pattern) for however long I need the scarf. This yarn is a bit thicker (or I think fluffy) than regular worsted weight yarn but I think it will make a great winter scarf once its done. I will update this post again with photos once its completed!