Finally an update!

In the handful of years it has been since I last updated, I have continued to make tons of baby blankets for friends & family. While I did not get a photo of each one, here are a handful I did manage to grab a photo of before gifting them :) All these ones used a standard C2C pattern. For the border, I would do a round of [sc, ch3] all the way around. Then I would do 3 dc’s into each ch3. You can get close up photos of this and a longer explanation in this post.

I will do another post next of some of the other projects I have done using other patterns. Enjoy the colorful gallery :)

Baby Blanket Bonanza!

Threads by ionyka - Baby Squares Blanket1

Patchwork Squares Blanket

I wanted to share a few more projects that I have wrapped up recently, all baby blankets as I relax between my 38th & 39th week of pregnancy. The big day is right around the corner, I can hardly believe it!

The nursery room is all set and I wanted to add a few personal touches to it to make it complete.

First up is a pattern I found awhile back that I wanted to use with our nursery colors. I liked the mix and match look of the squares and knew it would be something I could do relatively quickly as the patterns are fairly basic. Continue Reading →

My First Baby Blanket


I am thrilled to share that as I write this I am into the 19th week of my pregnancy and feeling great! The holidays are upon us and although I did not get around to any more holiday themed items this year, that is ok, plenty of time for next year right?! ;)

Continue Reading →

Granny Square Blanket

I had a bunch of Red Heart My Love yarn lying around and thought I would try the crochet standard Granny Square blanket.

While very basic, I enjoyed learning the classic stitch pattern. Wanting to use up the yarn I had resulted in some odd rows with color swapping, however I still like how it turned out. Here are some photos.



The blanket came to about 3 feet by 3 feet once I used up all the yarn I had, so not really big but that is ok, I still like how it turned out. Overall it was a fun quick project and a great way to use up a bunch of yarn if you have a lot of the same lying around that you want to use up.

Thanks for stopping by!

First Project: Squares Blanket

So excited for my first really big project, it is a squares blanket, and the pattern I am following is by Drops Design and is called Bohemian Oasis Blanket.

I will be updating my new Projects Section page for it as I go, where I will have more photos and update on my progress!

It is going super well so far I am enjoying making each square, since they go quick it gives the illusion of satisfaction that I am 1 square closer to the 77 I need in total!

My First Chunky Blanket

I wanted to share some more photos of the blanket I finished this week. I had a ton of chunky yarn (Link) and have been trying to find a blanket pattern that was simple to learn and did not take weeks to complete. I am super happy about how it turned out!

Chunky Blanket 1

Chunky Blanket 1

Chunky Blanket 2

Chunky Blanket 2

Chunky Blanket 3

Chunky Blanket 3

Chunky Blanket 4

Chunky Blanket 4

I would say it ended up about 4 feet x 4 feet, give or take cause its rather stretchy. Great for curling up on the couch, now to make sure Chester Cat does not get his fur all over it ;)